The Paranormal

I don’t believe that ghosts are “spirits of the dead” because I don’t
believe in death. In the multiverse, once you’re possible, you exist. And
once you exist, you exist forever one way or another. Besides, death is
the absence of life, and the ghosts I’ve met are very much alive.

What we call ghosts are lifeforms just as you and I are.
-Noted paranormal investigator Paul F. Eno

Dear Friends:

The term “paranormal” dates back around 1915 and has come to define experiences that lie outside “the range of normal
experience or scientific explanation” or that “indicates phenomena that are understood to be outside of science’s current ability to explain or measure.” And there are thousands upon thousands of stories
throughout folklore, in popular culture, and in personal experiences that can be labeled “paranormal phenomena.”

Today, the term “paranormal” implies almost all things that seems impossible by known natural laws, (I stress known). Then adding the prolific videos/photos that are being added every day to the internet, the paranormal can be walking stick figures, obscure and vague grainy images of who knows what, UFOs, people acting strangely or under what appears to be possession, rocks moving by themselves, time travelers, orbs, dust, etc., etc.…and the list goes on!  It appears that there are more things paranormal than has been scientifically proven.  When will it end???

For the sake of Halloween, the paranormal is the template for creating all things spooky!  The paranormal is an endless supply of content that can be creatively exploited for making fantasy fun nights in October, scares in the movies, in music/sound effects and TV shows. Real or paranormal, who cares.  It comes down to one important human psychology, and that is We Love to Be Scared!!!

So, bring on the paranormal please and let the party commence.