Does Halloween Exist In Other Countries!

Haunted Expo Trans World

Hello and welcome to all of you out there that do not live in the United States!!!

Halloween, (as it is practiced here in the USA), is more, or less, a combination of certain European customs, modified by the American culture.  Now, I am not going to talk about the origins of Halloween in America in this post.  I am more interested in those countries that do not celebrate, (or did not celebrate some form of Halloween in their past), but are doing so now.

During my 30 years of doing all things Halloween in America,  I have advised and consulted with my counter parts in South America, Canada, Australia, the Middle East, to name just a few.  I would like to know what countries adapted and created their version of Halloween and when they started?  Do you wear costumes?  Do you have Haunted Expos? Do you have Haunted Attractions?  Do you have some Spooky Ritual(s) that you practice with your friends, family and neighbors? Does retail in your country sell a lot of Halloween merchandise?  What are the similarities and differences???   And the list goes on!

If you practice and celebrate some form of Spooky Festivities in your country, I would LOVE IT if you can write our Staff  how you celebrate Halloween in your home town.  We want details!  So, do not hold back.  If we like what we read, we may add it to future posts.

Until our next time, Happy SpookFest!